Cyber Security Insurance

Cyber Insurance is a relatively new type of insurance to protect business owners and individuals from financial damage and loss due to cyber crime, data breaches, and any other losses from technology infrastructure and activities. This is a growing area of concern, that especially business owners should pay close attention to. Digital crimes are becoming more common and harder to identify and uncover until significant damage has happened.

These types of insurances policies constantly evolve due to the appearance of new cyber crime schemes. Once they have been discovered, repairing the damage can be fairly simple, however damage to a brand can be devastating and very costly to repair. Plans typically include coverage of expenses to notify clients and anyone else impacted, loss, theft and corruption of data as well as business interruption as a result of the event.

At Crusberg-Decker Insurance we have agents with expert level knowledge in the field of cyber crimes and data breaches. They can help determine your level of risk and put a plan together with the right coverage to secure your business and get you back on track as quickly as possible after a breach without suffering economic hardship or loss. Contact us at 800.640.1712 or fill out the form on this page to learn more.


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